Aria Atlassorin

Oxygen Generator

مدارک آریا اطلس سورین
مولد اکسیژن ساز

Aria Atlas Sorin Company

Aria Atlas Sorin Company has been in the field of producing, equipping and localizing PSA oxygen generators for several years by using modern machinery and relying on technical knowledge, and by transferring this industry to other industries including the production of medical gases – Aquaculture industry – water and industrial wastewater treatment – metal smelting and ceramic tile industries – other industries hope to provide a significant share of this market in order to meet the country’s need for oxygen.

PSA hospital oxygen generator

The name of the hospital oxygenator is as promising as its function. Especially in the current conditions of the planet where people are struggling with problems such as: Corona and various respiratory diseases, hospital PSA oxygen generator is one of the new and practical technologies that is responsible for concentrating oxygen. The air we breathe is more than 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. PSA hospital oxygen generator takes the oxygen in the air around us and turns it into more concentrated oxygen.

اکسیژن ساز


History of PSA oxygenators

Oxygen generators are an important technology in producing pure oxygen for various uses. Below is a brief history of the development of oxygen generators:

– 17th and 18th century: During this period, chemists and physicists such as Robert Boyle and John Perry explored the use of air-separation processes to produce oxygen. They proceeded to their experiments in producing pure oxygen from air.

– 19th century: In the late 19th century, the first oxygen generators, known as “operational oxygen generators”, were developed by Friedrich Wilhelm Landi in Germany. These devices used a process called “periscopic absorption” to remove oxygen from the air.

– 20th century: During the 20th century, more research was done in the field of oxygen production. With the advancement of technology and chemistry, new methods for producing oxygen by oxygen generators emerged. For example, in the 1960s, periscopic absorption technology (PSA) was used to produce oxygen, which is still a common method in the oxygen generator industry.

– 21st century: In the 21st century, with the advancement of technology and the diverse needs of oxygen consumption, the production of oxygen generators improved and they were able to provide new ways to produce pure oxygen. Small, portable oxygen generators have also been developed for use at home or while traveling.

Since then, the development and improvement of oxygen generators has continued and these devices are used in many industries and applications to provide pure oxygen.

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Famous brands of PSA oxygen generators:

There are several famous brands in the field of oxygen generators. Below, I mention some of these brands:

1. AirSep: AirSep is one of the most reliable brands in the field of producing oxygen generators. They offer pure oxygen generators for industrial and medical applications.

2. Respironics: Respironics is part of the Philips company and operates in the field of producing oxygen generators for medical applications. They offer portable and standard oxygen generators.

3. DeVilbiss Healthcare: DeVilbiss Healthcare is a well-known medical device company that manufactures oxygen generators for home and hospital use.

4. Invacare: Invacare is a famous brand in the field of medical equipment and health products. They offer portable and standard oxygen generators.

5. Inogen: Inogen is another famous brand in the field of portable oxygen generators. They offer very light and portable oxygen generators for use in travel and everyday activities.

It is important to buy a reliable and safe oxygen generator from reliable and reliable suppliers and pay attention to the technical recommendations and use of these devices. Also, if you need to use oxygen in a hospital or medical environment, it is better to use the guidance of your doctor.

مولد اکسیژن ساز

Hospital oxygen production by PSA method

The production of oxygen in PSA hospital oxygen generator based on the passage of compressed air through synthetic zeolite granules is called PSA with which molecular sieve is performed.

Nitrogen in the air is absorbed while passing through the molecular sieve in the columns filled with zeolite, and after the pores of the attractive materials are saturated, the absorption capacity of the zeolites of one saturated column is reduced, and the other column performs the absorption operation. to give This sequence generally leads to continuous production of oxygen (oxygen-enriched air).

PSA technology is the process of separating oxygen from the air in a physical process and in which no chemical interaction takes place. Therefore, as soon as the pressure is removed from the attractive granules, the nitrogen gas is discharged and the molecular sieve is in its original state and ready to be absorbed.

In fact, zeolite regenerates. Therefore, if the devices are operated correctly and the molecular sieve is not smeared with oil and moisture, the life of absorbent materials will be extended.

The working mechanism of PSA oxygen generators

Oxygen generators are devices capable of producing pure oxygen from ambient air. These devices are used in various sectors of industry, medicine, hospitals, spacecraft and other applications and applications.

The working mechanism of oxygen generators is usually based on the Air Separation Process. In this process, the ambient air, which contains oxygen, nitrogen and other gases, is separated and pure oxygen is obtained as the final product. The two main methods for producing pure oxygen by oxygen generators are:

1. Zeolite Molecular Sieve: In this method, zeolites are used as molecular adsorbents. Zeolites are able to absorb nitrogen molecules and pass oxygen. Therefore, ambient air initially passes through the mixture of oxygen and nitrogen by zeolites, and nitrogen is absorbed by zeolites and pure oxygen is produced.

2. Periscopic absorption technology (Pressure Swing Adsorption – PSA): In this method, periscopic absorption technology is used to separate oxygen and nitrogen. In the PSA process, by applying pressure on the ambient air, oxygen is not absorbed and is produced as an exhaust gas, while nitrogen is absorbed by special adsorbents. Then, by reducing the pressure, the adsorbents are freed from nitrogen and the nitrogen molecules are discarded as a by-product.

In both of the above methods, the pure oxygen produced is finally separated from the device and can be used for various applications such as supplying oxygen in the medical sector, welding, oxygen therapy, etc.

molecular adsorbent (zeolite)

Molecular adsorption or zeolite adsorption is a process in which zeolites are used as special adsorbents to absorb and separate molecules in industrial and scientific processes. Due to their special three-dimensional structure, zeolites have channels and microscopic pores that allow the entry and absorption of other molecules.

Zeolites usually act in molecular adsorption processes based on physical and chemical interactions with molecules. Some molecular adsorption mechanisms by zeolites are:

1. Bath absorption inside the channels: Molecules with the right size and shape can enter the channels and pores of zeolite, where they interact with the inner surface of zeolite and get absorbed. The size of the channels usually determines the selectivity of molecular adsorption.

2. Van der Waals force interactions: In some cases, the van der Waals force interaction between molecules and the zeolite surface causes molecules to be attracted. These interactions occur based on the differences in van der Waals forces between the molecules and the zeolite surface.

3. Chemical interactions: Some zeolites have chemical motives that react with molecules and chemisorb molecules. These interactions may include the adsorption of ions, the adsorption of organic molecules, or various chemical reactions.

Molecular adsorption of zeolites is used in many industrial sectors such as gas separation, water purification, catalysts, absorption and dissolution of organic substances, etc. The selectivity and strong adsorption of zeolites have made them effective and popular adsorbents in molecular separation and purification processes.


Zeolite is a type of mineral adsorbent used in the PSA process to produce nitrogen. This material has a network structure that has the ability to absorb and separate the materials inside it.

Zeolites are often available as porous adsorbents, and the structure used in the PSA process has microscopic pores and channels. These channels are located in the size of different absorbing molecules. If the zeolite is subjected to high pressure (close to adsorption pressure), smaller molecules can move and pass through the zeolite channels, while larger molecules are trapped and adsorbed.

In the PSA nitrogen generator, zeolite is used as the main adsorbent to absorb nitrogen from the air and pass other gases. By changing the pressure and washing the zeolite, the absorbed nitrogen is released and produced as pure nitrogen.

The advantages of using zeolite in the PSA process include high absorption power, renewable capability, chemical stability and resistance to harsh conditions. Also, zeolites can be produced on an industrial scale and are available in different types such as nitrogen zeolite (Zeolite 5A), zeolite zeolite dilite (Zeolite 13X) and selective nitrogen zeolite (Selective Zeolite).

Types of zeolite

Molecular absorbent materials or liquid absorbent materials are materials that have the ability to absorb and store molecules and ions within their structure. These materials are used as molecular adsorbents in the processes of separation, cleaning and storage of materials. There are different types of molecular absorbents, some of the most important of which are:

1. Zeolites: Zeolites are very famous and widely used as molecular absorbents. The property of their porous structure allows them to absorb molecules within their structure. Zeolites are used in oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical and food industries.

2. Activated carbon: Activated carbon or activated charcoal is one of the most widely used molecular absorbents. The porous structure of activated carbon allows it to absorb molecules in its structure. This substance is used in the processes of water and air purification, absorption of polluting gases and purification of solutions.

3. Absorbent polymers: Some polymers also have the ability to absorb molecules. These polymers usually contain adsorbent groups such as carboxylic or amine groups. Adsorbent polymers are used in fields such as adsorption of dyes, molecular separation and wastewater treatment.

4. Silica gel: Silica gel or silica gel is one of the molecular absorbent materials that is prepared from silicon dioxide. The porous structure of silica gel allows it to absorb molecules. This substance is used in industries such as gas purification, oil purification and storage of aromatic molecules.

Note that these are only some types of adsorbents and over time new types of adsorbents may be introduced. In addition, the use of each type of adsorbent depends on the technology and industry used and the type of molecules or ions in question.

Zeolite absorbent material

Zeolites are usually composed of silicate compounds that have a network-like structure. The attractiveness of zeolites is due to their regular three-dimensional structure, which includes microscopic channels and pores. These channels and pores have different sizes and shapes to absorb and separate materials inside the zeolite.

The main chemical compounds in zeolites are silica (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3). However, the exact chemical composition of zeolites is variable and can depend on the type of zeolite. In general, the ratio of SiO2 to Al2O3 is usually between 1 and 4 in zeolites. In addition, other elements such as sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn) and others may also be present in the structure of zeolites.

For example, some well-known types of zeolites are:

1. Nitrogen zeolite (Zeolite 5A): This type of zeolite consists of silicate compounds and sodium and calcium aluminate. This zeolite has the ability to absorb gaseous substances such as nitrogen, oxygen, argon and organic substances.

2. Zeolite zeolite dilite (Zeolite 13X): This type of zeolite has an open structure and larger pores that can absorb gases such as nitrogen, oxygen and organic substances.

3. Selective nitrogen zeolite: These types of zeolites have the ability to absorb oxygen more than nitrogen by changing their surface structure and pores. This property makes it possible to use them to produce nitrogen with high purity.

These are just a few examples of zeolites available, and in practice there may be many different types of zeolites for different applications.

Important and partial components of hospital oxygen generator

  • air compressor
    Dryer (absorption-refrigeration)
    Filtration of oil, water, particles, odor, carbon monoxide and bacteria
    Tanks under air and oxygen pressure
    Connections and piping
    Water separator and micro filters
    Control board of hospital oxygen generator
    Purity and output flow display system
    The communication manifold of the hospital oxygen generator system and capsule support system
    Oxygen distribution board
    Valves, safety valve, sensors, PLC, one-way valve, shut-off valve

Important operational variables of hospital oxygen generator

In the hospital oxygen generator, there are important operating variables that must be considered for the correct and safe operation of this device. Some of these variables are:

1. Flow design: The flow of oxygen in the device must be precisely adjusted. This variable should be adjusted according to the patient’s needs and the doctor’s recommendations. Flows that are too high may lead to lung damage or other problems.

2. Oxygen concentration: The concentration of oxygen supplied to the patient must also be carefully controlled. This variable is mainly regulated by the oxygen generator and should be coordinated with the doctor’s recommendations regarding the amount of oxygen concentration required by the patient.

3. Oxygen pressure: The oxygen pressure produced by the device should also be set within a safe range. This variable is considered as an important safety parameter in the hospital oxygen generator.

4. Correct functioning of sensors and displays: The oxygen generator must be equipped with appropriate sensors and displays that work correctly and provide the necessary information to the user. Sensors are used to measure oxygen flow, concentration and pressure.

5. Safety and disinfection: The oxygen generator must have appropriate safety systems to prevent accidents such as explosions or oxygen leaks. Also, different parts of the device must be regularly disinfected to prevent the growth of bacteria or possible infections.

These factors are only some of the important operational variables in the hospital oxygen generator. In any case, for the safe and effective use of this device, the instructions and guidelines of the manufacturer of the hospital oxygen generator must always be followed, and there is also a need for continuous monitoring and control by health students and nurses.

nitrogen generator

A nitrogen generator is a device that is used to produce nitrogen from air. Nitrogen generators are mainly used in industry, including the electronics, automotive, food, and medical industries.

In most cases, air, which contains about 78% nitrogen, is converted into pure nitrogen through a process. One of the common ways to produce nitrogen is the process of air distillation. In this process, the air is compressed and then cooled and reaches a distillation unit. Here, air is pressurized and turned into a liquid. Then, the liquid is distilled and the pure nitrogen is separated and transferred to the free environment.

There are other methods for nitrogen production, including process membranes and medium pressure absorption. Each of these methods and technologies have their own characteristics and applications, but the ultimate goal in all cases is to produce pure and quality nitrogen.

Pure nitrogen produced from nitrogen generator is used in many industries to perform various processes, such as creating a homogeneous environment for chemical reactors, cooling and maintaining power in electronic systems and lasers, maintaining the quality of food and pharmaceutical products, etc.

psa in the nitrogen generator

PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) nitrogen generator is one of the common methods for producing pure nitrogen. In this method, pressure medium absorption (PSA) process is used to separate nitrogen from air.

The PSA process in the nitrogen generator works as follows:

1. Suction: Initially, air is collected from the environment and directed into the PSA unit. Here, the PSA unit consists of two adsorbent beds that operate alternately.

2. Pressing: In this step, the air is compressed to a high pressure using a compressor and enters the absorbent board. In the absorbent board, there is a special absorbent such as zeolite, which has the ability to absorb nitrogen.

3. Separation: When air is compressed to high pressure, nitrogen is absorbed by the absorber and other gases such as oxygen, argon and other mineral gases pass through the absorber and are discharged outside the PSA unit. Absorbed nitrogen is stored in the absorbent board.

4. Drain: After some time, the absorbent board becomes saturated and must be drained. This stage is known as the evacuation stage. For evacuation, the air pressure in the absorber plate is reduced, which causes the absorbed gases (nitrogen) to be released and exit the unit.

5. Changing the boards: after emptying, the absorbent board that was saturated is sent to the board regeneration process to be reusable. In this process, the absorbent board is flushed using a stream of pure nitrogen to remove the absorbed gases during the absorption step and the board is ready for reuse.

These processes are done sequentially and alternately. Dear friend, it seems that the last part of your message has been cut. Please continue your text so that I can respond to you properly.

How does the nitrogen generator work?

The nitrogen generator is used to produce pure nitrogen from the air. Most nitrogen generators use the air distillation process. Here I explain the general process of nitrogen production in a nitrogen generator:

1. Air compression: First, air is collected from the environment and compressed by a piston compressor or saturated piston compressor. This pressure increases to decrease the volume of air. Finally, the air enters at high pressure.

2. Cooler: Air is transferred to the cooler to reduce its temperature. The cooler usually uses a water cooling system to transfer heat from the air through water evaporation and cool the air.

3. Separation of oxygen and other gases: In this step, the cooled air is transferred to a distillation unit. Here, through the distillation process, the air is split into two streams: one stream containing oxygen and other gases and the other stream containing nitrogen.

4. Nitrogen separation: In this step, the flow containing nitrogen is separated from the general flow. Different methods are used for nitrogen separation, including medium pressure absorption method and process membrane method. In the medium pressure absorption method, special adsorbents such as zeolites are used to absorb nitrogen and release other gases such as oxygen and argon. In the process membrane method, nitrogen permeable membranes are used to separate nitrogen.

5. Output of pure nitrogen: The pure nitrogen produced from the nitrogen generator comes out through the output and can be directly supplied to various applications such as electronic industries, manufacturing processes, mining industries, food industry, packaging industry, etc.

Nitrogen generators are used to produce pure nitrogen on an industrial and commercial scale. These devices act as independent nitrogen sources and prevent dependence on external nitrogen supply such as nitrogen cylinders. The advantages of using a nitrogen generator include cost reduction, stable supply of nitrogen, greater safety and better process control.

The important thing to keep in mind is that nitrogen generators produce only pure nitrogen and separate other gases in the air such as oxygen, argon and other suspended substances.

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